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.NET (44)AI (1)Angular (1)AngularJS (18)Announce (43)ASP.NET (21)Azure (1)BizTalk Server (4)C++ (5)Incremental Parser (11)Java (35)javascript (35)JSF and Facelets (11)kendoui (11)ML.NET (2)SCCBridge (7)SQL Server puzzle (30)Thinking aloud (137)Tips and tricks (147)Window Search (8)xslt (142)No Category (37)

.NET (44) 
1/26/2024Experience of parallel refactoring
1/8/2023XDocument vs Plain Object Model
1/15/2022Bad code
2/2/2021Binary serialization in .NET 5.0
12/16/2020ML.NET tutorial
1/4/2017File selection and uploading AngularJS directive for IE8.
10/6/2016Dependency Injection
9/28/2016ASP.NET Core Session
9/11/2016Angular1 ES 2015 with decorators
8/24/2015Support C# 6.0 in languages xom
7/27/2015Database async trap
5/31/2015Audio conversion
3/22/2015WeakTable update
12/15/2014Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Web API 2
11/30/2014Farewell Entity Framework
7/28/2014.NET Cache API
7/10/2014IEqualityComparer in LINQ
6/28/2014Async and scarce resources in C#
6/27/2014Client disconnects in ASP.NET Web API
6/25/2014Parallel vs Async in C#
6/23/2014Async code in C#
6/12/2014oauth2 and angularjs
3/10/2014Custom error handling with Web API
3/7/2014LINQ extensions
1/22/2014Shared state
1/13/2014Hash Code of Dictionary
12/27/2013Bidi Visual Converter
5/13/2013Error handling in WCF based web applications
1/6/2013How To: Load KendoUI Templates from External Files
11/9/2012Change column type in SQL Server, Part 2
10/29/2012Export data to Excel
8/3/2012Stream xslt transformation through WCF
7/26/2012Streaming xslt transformation with ForwardXPathNavigator
7/25/2012Dictionary extension
7/22/2012Streaming entity data
4/8/2012Weekend C# puzzle
3/23/2012Languages XOM update
3/8/2012Shifting to client side web applications
2/29/2012.NET Dictionary nuisance
11/10/2011eXperanto project actual yet...
9/6/2011Entity Framework and char parameters

AI (1) 
1/1/2024Using Bing chat as a tool.

Angular (1) 
12/29/2020Big Angular applications

AngularJS (18) 
12/29/2020Big Angular applications
4/4/2020Angular vs AngularJS. Practical comparison.
1/4/2017File selection and uploading AngularJS directive for IE8.
9/11/2016Angular1 ES 2015 with decorators
11/8/2015AngularJS file upload
9/28/2015Selection tool
7/10/2015ui-bounds and ui-scroll angularjs directives
6/7/2015ui-eval angularjs directive
5/7/2015Intercept angularjs resource request
5/4/2015Multisite transclusion in Angularjs
3/18/2015KendoUI User Control
3/14/2015Angularjs flaws
2/2/2015Cancel angularjs resource request
1/26/2015window.sessionStorage in AngularJS
1/18/2015Angularjs bootstrap typeahead
12/2/2014Single Page Apps with AngularJS and base url error
6/12/2014oauth2 and angularjs

Announce (43) 
6/22/2023Vector database
6/27/2017Saxon 9.8.0-2 second attempt.
9/11/2016Angular1 ES 2015 with decorators
1/26/2016Microsoft releases CNTK, its open source deep learning toolkit
12/16/2015Akinator like engine
8/24/2015Support C# 6.0 in languages xom
4/9/2015Java 8 Xml Object Model
4/6/2015ECMAScript Xml Object Model
3/22/2015WeakTable update
5/18/2013KendoUI controls.js
3/23/2012Languages XOM update
1/25/2012Again about cinematography.
8/28/2011Yield return update
5/26/2011Languages-XOM update
2/5/2011Java's @Yield return annotation update
1/24/2011Yield return feature in java
1/14/2011Java XML Object Model Update
1/11/2011Yield feature in java implemented!
12/22/2010A guest article about DB certification
11/1/2010Languages xom update
10/22/2010Parse COBOL into cobolxom, #2
10/9/2010Parse COBOL into cobolxom
8/4/2010C# XOM Update
6/22/2010Xslt serializer for ASPX output
5/14/2010Parsing Reports V2, C#
5/9/2010Parsing reports
5/5/2010Languages XOM update
4/21/2010Streamed tree
4/8/2010Composable tree model in saxon
12/27/2009Addition to XOM Family
6/18/2009jxom/C# xom update
6/15/2009jxom/C# xom update
5/28/2009jxom Update
3/8/2009Incremental Parser
12/10/2008People start looking into jxom
12/4/2008A simple cache for Java application.
6/26/2008Try/catch block in xslt 2.0 for Saxon 9.
5/18/2008Tuples and maps in Saxon
6/2/2006Undo and redo? - Easy!

ASP.NET (21) 
1/4/2017File selection and uploading AngularJS directive for IE8.
9/28/2016ASP.NET Core Session
11/8/2015AngularJS file upload
5/31/2015Audio conversion
12/15/2014Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Web API 2
3/10/2014Custom error handling with Web API
5/13/2013Error handling in WCF based web applications
1/6/2013How To: Load KendoUI Templates from External Files
10/29/2012Export data to Excel
8/3/2012Stream xslt transformation through WCF
3/8/2012Shifting to client side web applications
8/28/2011View state access
5/3/2011AjaxControlToolkit nuisance
7/11/2010ASP.NET two way databinding and OnClientInit in DataBindExtender
6/22/2010Xslt serializer for ASPX output
6/15/2010Validators in ASP.NET
6/10/2010Data dinding script injection in ASP.NET
6/5/2010A DataBindExtender: two way databinding in ASP.NET
5/29/2010Experience of JSF to ASP.NET migration
5/23/2010Synchronization of access within a session in ASP.NET

Azure (1) 
10/20/2021CosmosDB with EF Core

BizTalk Server (4) 
6/21/2006Useful BizTalk functoids
9/15/2004The winners of the BizTalk Server 2004 Developer Competition
9/6/2004Multiconn BizTalk Extensibility
4/3/2004BizTalk Server 2004 Developer Competition

C++ (5) 
7/26/2019Theory vs practice
8/6/2018C++ Exceptions
10/6/2016Dependency Injection
8/17/2014A Proposal to Add 2D Graphics Rendering and Display to C++
3/16/2012New season in C++ WG

Incremental Parser (11) 
10/22/2010Parse COBOL into cobolxom, #2
10/9/2010Parse COBOL into cobolxom
4/13/2009Invalid .NET JIT in Release mode
4/5/2009Update on Incremental Parser
4/5/2009More on .NET's JIT
4/2/2009.NET JIT Quality
3/18/2009What you cannot do with C#'s generics
3/8/2009Incremental Parser
2/12/2009Bare binary tree algorithms
2/11/2009Generic way to screw things up
1/15/2009A good xslt IDE

Java (35) 
4/4/2020Angular vs AngularJS. Practical comparison.
7/26/2019Theory vs practice
3/24/2019Scheduling algorithm for xsl:for-each/@saxon:threads=N
1/24/2018JAXB and java.time.* types
11/22/2017Ternary expression type in java.
8/22/2017Some fun with java switch
10/6/2016Dependency Injection
9/11/2016Angular1 ES 2015 with decorators
2/9/2016Pull visitor pattern
8/24/2015Support C# 6.0 in languages xom
8/6/2015Marshalling default value with JAXB
4/9/2015Java 8 Xml Object Model
11/11/2013Library resources in JSF
10/14/2013String comparision: SQL vs COBOL
7/28/2013Visual to logical conversion in Java
3/8/2012Shifting to client side web applications
11/10/2011eXperanto project actual yet...
10/16/2011Funny, about yield return in java
8/28/2011Yield return update
6/16/2011XML serialization of numbers in Java.
5/26/2011Languages-XOM update
5/4/2011A bug in XMLGregorianCalendar implementation.
2/23/2011java web service session object (
2/20/2011Good and bad things in JAX-WS implementation.
2/8/2011A simple cache for Java application #2
2/5/2011Java's @Yield return annotation update
1/27/2011Why @Yield iterator should be Closeable
1/24/2011Yield return feature in java
1/14/2011Java XML Object Model Update
1/11/2011Yield feature in java implemented!
12/20/2010Yield feature in java
12/11/2010Strange JAXB behaviour
9/5/2010BigDecimal + JAXB => potential interoperability problems

javascript (35) 
1/4/2017File selection and uploading AngularJS directive for IE8.
9/11/2016Angular1 ES 2015 with decorators
11/8/2015AngularJS file upload
9/28/2015Selection tool
7/10/2015ui-bounds and ui-scroll angularjs directives
6/7/2015ui-eval angularjs directive
5/7/2015Intercept angularjs resource request
5/4/2015Multisite transclusion in Angularjs
4/6/2015ECMAScript Xml Object Model
3/18/2015KendoUI User Control
3/14/2015Angularjs flaws
2/2/2015Cancel angularjs resource request
1/26/2015window.sessionStorage in AngularJS
1/18/2015Angularjs bootstrap typeahead
12/2/2014Single Page Apps with AngularJS and base url error
6/12/2014oauth2 and angularjs
3/10/2014Custom error handling with Web API
8/9/2013KendoUI's guid function
7/30/2013KendoUI's slowest function
7/14/2013On Garbage Collectors
7/7/2013Compile KendoUI templates
5/28/2013Kendo progress utility
5/18/2013KendoUI controls.js
5/14/2013Adjust KendoUI Splitter
5/13/2013Error handling in WCF based web applications
4/18/2013KendoUI Window turned to the worse
4/3/2013KendoUI extended model
3/26/2013KendoUI User control
2/11/2013How to associate a label and avoid id conflicts in html
2/10/2013jquery's Ticket's #7054 (closed bug: fixed)
1/6/2013How To: Load KendoUI Templates from External Files
6/24/2012 KendoUI Tips
6/17/2012Wish list for the Kendo UI
6/11/2012Tunning KendoUI

JSF and Facelets (11) 
11/11/2013Library resources in JSF
3/8/2012Shifting to client side web applications
6/2/2011A curious fact.
5/29/2010Experience of JSF to ASP.NET migration
10/10/2009JSF quality
10/7/2009JSF/Facelets, conditional attributes
9/9/2009JSF clientId
9/9/2009About JSF 2.0
8/29/2009EL references in JSF/Facelets
8/21/2009Unsound java protected modifier

kendoui (11) 
3/18/2015KendoUI User Control
3/10/2014Custom error handling with Web API
8/9/2013KendoUI's guid function
7/30/2013KendoUI's slowest function
7/7/2013Compile KendoUI templates
5/28/2013Kendo progress utility
5/18/2013KendoUI controls.js
5/14/2013Adjust KendoUI Splitter
5/13/2013Error handling in WCF based web applications
4/18/2013KendoUI Window turned to the worse

ML.NET (2) 
1/1/2021Collecting public data from Internet
12/16/2020ML.NET tutorial

SCCBridge (7) 
10/18/2005SCCBridge project version is released.
6/16/2005SCCBridge via proxy
2/20/2005SCCBridge became really open source project.
11/11/2004SCCBridge project version is released.
8/23/2004Today Ive Found That When BridgeServer Works Under IIS 6 On Windows Server 2003 It Cannot Connect To Remote
5/4/2004Next version of SCCBridge project.
1/4/2004Remote access to SourceSafe

SQL Server puzzle (30) 
1/1/2024Using Bing chat as a tool.
6/22/2023Vector database
8/5/2020Groups in SQL
4/14/2018SQL Server vs DB2
12/16/2015Akinator like engine
2/11/2014Dealing with dynamic SQL in SQL Server
10/14/2013String comparision: SQL vs COBOL
11/9/2012Change column type in SQL Server, Part 2
10/29/2012Over optimization in sql server
9/7/2012Change column type in SQL Server 2008 R2
9/1/2012Numbers table in SQL Server - year 2012
8/30/2012Reorganize index in SQL Server
8/19/2012Snapshot of data per last date available
3/24/2012Negative SP execution time
2/1/2012SQL Server, grouping ranges
1/19/2012Analizing SQL
1/13/2012READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT in SQL Server 2008 R2
12/3/2011SQL Server 2008 with(recompile) Next
11/18/2011SQL Server 2008 with(recompile)
4/26/2011Again about Windows Search within SQL Server
3/7/2011Unescape in SQL Server
3/4/2011Calling Windows Search from SQL Server 2008
2/27/2007CLR Numbers
2/23/2007Parade of numbers
2/20/2007Split string in the SQL Server 2005
2/7/2007SQL Server's 2005 partitions: are they best?
11/17/2006Write log records during a transaction
11/4/2006Reconstruct xml from a table
10/27/2006Load xml into the table
10/2/2006Numbers table in SQL Server 2005

Thinking aloud (137) 
1/26/2024Experience of parallel refactoring
1/1/2024Using Bing chat as a tool.
6/22/2023Vector database
4/16/2022xml vs json
1/15/2022Bad code
10/20/2021CosmosDB with EF Core
2/2/2021Binary serialization in .NET 5.0
1/1/2021Collecting public data from Internet
12/29/2020Big Angular applications
8/5/2020Groups in SQL
5/24/2020Algorithm for Biconnected components
5/19/2020On XSLT 4
5/12/2020Graphs in XSLT
4/15/2020COBOL - raise from the dead or RIP?
4/4/2020Angular vs AngularJS. Practical comparison.
7/26/2019Theory vs practice
3/24/2019Scheduling algorithm for xsl:for-each/@saxon:threads=N
11/3/2018XPath through evolution
10/2/2018Xslt Streamability
8/6/2018C++ Exceptions
4/14/2018SQL Server vs DB2
8/22/2017Some fun with java switch
5/16/2017Saxon HE map and array types.
3/26/2017View on tunnel parameters in XSLT
10/6/2016Dependency Injection
9/28/2016ASP.NET Core Session
2/29/2016Dao for programmers.
2/9/2016Pull visitor pattern
1/4/2016Error during transformation in Saxon 9.7 - Continue
1/2/2016Error during transformation in Saxon 9.7
12/16/2015Akinator like engine
7/27/2015Database async trap
5/4/2015Multisite transclusion in Angularjs
11/30/2014Farewell Entity Framework
8/17/2014A Proposal to Add 2D Graphics Rendering and Display to C++
7/28/2014.NET Cache API
7/10/2014IEqualityComparer in LINQ
6/28/2014Async and scarce resources in C#
6/27/2014Client disconnects in ASP.NET Web API
6/25/2014Parallel vs Async in C#
6/23/2014Async code in C#
2/11/2014Dealing with dynamic SQL in SQL Server
1/22/2014Shared state
1/13/2014Hash Code of Dictionary
11/4/2013Windows: so far so worse
10/14/2013String comparision: SQL vs COBOL
7/14/2013On Garbage Collectors
7/12/2013Prises to RESTful
7/7/2013Compile KendoUI templates
7/3/2013Derived xml schemas
6/26/2013A bit of science fiction?
5/14/2013Adjust KendoUI Splitter
4/3/2013KendoUI extended model
3/28/2013Windows 8 + Lenovo Yoga-13 + external SD card
3/26/2013KendoUI User control
10/29/2012Export data to Excel
9/7/2012Change column type in SQL Server 2008 R2
8/19/2012Snapshot of data per last date available
8/3/2012Stream xslt transformation through WCF
7/26/2012Streaming xslt transformation with ForwardXPathNavigator
7/22/2012Streaming entity data
6/17/2012Wish list for the Kendo UI
3/24/2012Negative SP execution time
3/16/2012New season in C++ WG
3/8/2012Shifting to client side web applications
2/29/2012.NET Dictionary nuisance
1/13/2012READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT in SQL Server 2008 R2
12/17/2011Fast Property Access in V8 JavaScript Engine
12/10/2011Saxon 9.4 is out
12/3/2011SQL Server 2008 with(recompile) Next
11/10/2011eXperanto project actual yet...
10/16/2011Funny, about yield return in java
9/29/2011An XPath enumerator function
9/14/2011Resolution of the Saxon optimizer bug
9/6/2011Entity Framework and char parameters
8/12/2011Windows Search complications
7/22/2011Track stream position while writing xml
7/13/2011Windows Search Notifications
7/9/2011Windows Search Query
7/5/2011Xml IFilter in WindowsSearch
6/24/2011Notify Windows Search
6/2/2011A curious fact.
5/3/2011AjaxControlToolkit nuisance
4/26/2011Again about Windows Search within SQL Server
3/4/2011Calling Windows Search from SQL Server 2008
2/20/2011Good and bad things in JAX-WS implementation.
2/8/2011A simple cache for Java application #2
2/3/2011Xslt 3.0 insights
1/27/2011Why @Yield iterator should be Closeable
1/24/2011Yield return feature in java
1/11/2011Yield feature in java implemented!
12/20/2010Yield feature in java
12/11/2010Strange JAXB behaviour
11/7/2010Saxon 9.3
11/2/201027 years of service
11/2/2010w3's bugzilla entry 9069
10/22/2010Parse COBOL into cobolxom, #2
8/25/2010String and StringBuilder in .NET 4
7/15/2010Another xslt Heisenbug
7/11/2010ASP.NET two way databinding and OnClientInit in DataBindExtender
7/5/2010Praise to C#'s var
6/22/2010Xslt serializer for ASPX output
6/15/2010Validators in ASP.NET
6/10/2010Data dinding script injection in ASP.NET
6/5/2010A DataBindExtender: two way databinding in ASP.NET
5/29/2010Experience of JSF to ASP.NET migration
5/23/2010Synchronization of access within a session in ASP.NET
5/14/2010Parsing Reports V2, C#
5/9/2010Parsing reports
5/1/2010Generator functions in xslt in Saxon
4/23/2010Complications with streamed tree
4/22/2010Very basic things about java
4/21/2010Streamed tree
4/9/2010Generator functions in xslt
4/9/2010Name pool
4/8/2010Composable tree model in saxon
4/4/2010How would we approach to streaming facility in xslt
4/2/2010Xslt Heisenbug
3/22/2010Inline functions in xslt 2.1
3/15/2010Maps in exslt2?
2/28/2010AVL Tree in Xslt
2/28/2010VS 2010, Still Beta
2/24/2010Again on immutable binary trees
2/7/2010C# readonly ring
2/6/2010Map, based on immutable trees
2/3/2010Convenience of Generics in C#
1/27/2010Associative containers in a functional languages
1/19/2010Unintentional help
12/19/2009Java vs C#
1/18/2004What are we occupied with?

Tips and tricks (147) 
1/26/2024Experience of parallel refactoring
1/1/2024Using Bing chat as a tool.
1/1/2021Collecting public data from Internet
12/16/2020ML.NET tutorial
8/5/2020Groups in SQL
6/8/2020Xslt Graph and Saxon processor
4/4/2020Angular vs AngularJS. Practical comparison.
7/26/2019Theory vs practice
6/7/2018Circular shift
1/24/2018JAXB and java.time.* types
11/22/2017Ternary expression type in java.
8/6/2015Marshalling default value with JAXB
7/27/2015Database async trap
6/7/2015ui-eval angularjs directive
5/7/2015Intercept angularjs resource request
1/26/2015window.sessionStorage in AngularJS
12/15/2014Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Web API 2
12/2/2014Single Page Apps with AngularJS and base url error
7/28/2014.NET Cache API
3/10/2014Custom error handling with Web API
3/7/2014LINQ extensions
2/11/2014Dealing with dynamic SQL in SQL Server
1/22/2014Shared state
1/13/2014Hash Code of Dictionary
12/27/2013Bidi Visual Converter
11/11/2013Library resources in JSF
10/14/2013String comparision: SQL vs COBOL
8/9/2013KendoUI's guid function
7/28/2013Visual to logical conversion in Java
5/28/2013Kendo progress utility
5/18/2013KendoUI controls.js
5/14/2013Adjust KendoUI Splitter
5/13/2013Error handling in WCF based web applications
4/29/2013Cool:GEN links
4/3/2013KendoUI extended model
3/26/2013KendoUI User control
1/6/2013How To: Load KendoUI Templates from External Files
11/9/2012Change column type in SQL Server, Part 2
10/29/2012Over optimization in sql server
9/7/2012Change column type in SQL Server 2008 R2
9/1/2012Numbers table in SQL Server - year 2012
8/30/2012Reorganize index in SQL Server
8/19/2012Snapshot of data per last date available
8/3/2012Stream xslt transformation through WCF
7/26/2012Streaming xslt transformation with ForwardXPathNavigator
7/25/2012Dictionary extension
7/22/2012Streaming entity data
6/24/2012 KendoUI Tips
6/11/2012Tunning KendoUI
4/8/2012Weekend C# puzzle
2/1/2012SQL Server, grouping ranges
1/20/2012Be aware, an antivirus is working here!
1/19/2012Analizing SQL
1/13/2012READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT in SQL Server 2008 R2
11/18/2011SQL Server 2008 with(recompile)
9/6/2011Entity Framework and char parameters
8/28/2011View state access
8/12/2011Windows Search complications
7/27/2011Saxon optimizer bug
7/22/2011Track stream position while writing xml
7/13/2011Windows Search Notifications
7/9/2011Windows Search Query
7/5/2011Xml IFilter in WindowsSearch
6/16/2011XML serialization of numbers in Java.
5/4/2011A bug in XMLGregorianCalendar implementation.
4/26/2011Again about Windows Search within SQL Server
4/14/2011VS 2008 SP1 and C++ run-time libraries or how to compile/install native code.
3/7/2011Unescape in SQL Server
3/4/2011Calling Windows Search from SQL Server 2008
2/23/2011java web service session object (
2/20/2011Good and bad things in JAX-WS implementation.
1/27/2011Why @Yield iterator should be Closeable
1/24/2011Yield return feature in java
1/11/2011Yield feature in java implemented!
12/20/2010Yield feature in java
11/18/2010A shallow thoughts
11/9/2010xsl:analyze-string (
10/18/2010What's evaluated first: @select or xsl:with-param?
10/8/2010Getting regex captures in xslt
9/5/2010BigDecimal + JAXB => potential interoperability problems
8/25/2010String and StringBuilder in .NET 4
7/15/2010Another xslt Heisenbug
7/11/2010ASP.NET two way databinding and OnClientInit in DataBindExtender
7/5/2010Praise to C#'s var
6/22/2010Xslt serializer for ASPX output
6/15/2010Validators in ASP.NET
6/10/2010Data dinding script injection in ASP.NET
6/5/2010A DataBindExtender: two way databinding in ASP.NET
5/2/2010Xslt match puzzle
5/1/2010Generator functions in xslt in Saxon
4/22/2010Very basic things about java
4/15/2010jxom else if (google search)
2/17/2010Integer and fraction in xslt
2/7/2010C# readonly ring
2/6/2010Map, based on immutable trees
2/3/2010Convenience of Generics in C#
1/27/2010Associative containers in a functional languages
12/11/2009Excel Reports
12/5/2009Old lesson about decimal rounding
11/13/2009C# Haiku
11/3/2009Connection pooling in Apache
10/7/2009JSF/Facelets, conditional attributes
9/9/2009JSF clientId
9/9/2009About JSF 2.0
8/29/2009EL references in JSF/Facelets
8/21/2009Unsound java protected modifier
8/20/2009Funny method to support JSON in java
8/19/2009Notes for javaist
7/20/2009A Generics Solution
6/29/2009Funny xpath
6/24/2009Xml Diff And Merge
4/18/2009Glass half empty
4/16/2009Reverse side of array covariance.
4/5/2009More on .NET's JIT
4/2/2009.NET JIT Quality
3/31/2009IE8's Shocked
3/18/2009What you cannot do with C#'s generics
2/12/2009Bare binary tree algorithms
2/11/2009Generic way to screw things up
1/14/2009is-upper-case() function in xslt 2.0
12/4/2008A simple cache for Java application.
11/20/2008Garbage Collection Limits
11/18/2008Access attribute in attribute sequence
11/13/2008Dynamic Xslt
10/17/2008Persistence Frameworks madness
9/27/2008Web Application Frameworks
9/8/2008Muse on value types in java
7/31/2008SFINAE in xslt? - or native exception handling.
7/28/2008On the job applicants...
6/26/2008Try/catch block in xslt 2.0 for Saxon 9.
6/17/2008A "resource:" protocol to resolve documents in xslt.
5/30/2008JSF 1.2 and java.sql.Date bean properties.
4/5/2008MQ connection pool in .NET
3/25/2008Xslt 2.0 tips, public and private stylesheet members
2/16/2008Xslt for the jxom (Java xml object model)
2/9/2008Java xml object model
3/12/2007C++ Standard Library Issues List, Issue 254
11/23/2006Sharing UI culture info between threads.
10/2/2006Numbers table in SQL Server 2005
5/30/2006WinRes and SplitContainer
11/1/2005Web services samples.
5/31/2005How to get session from within Java web-service?
5/3/2005Thread safety

Window Search (8) 
8/12/2011Windows Search complications
7/22/2011Track stream position while writing xml
7/13/2011Windows Search Notifications
7/9/2011Windows Search Query
7/5/2011Xml IFilter in WindowsSearch
6/24/2011Notify Windows Search
4/26/2011Again about Windows Search within SQL Server
3/4/2011Calling Windows Search from SQL Server 2008

xslt (142) 
1/8/2023XDocument vs Plain Object Model
4/16/2022xml vs json
6/8/2020Xslt Graph and Saxon processor
5/24/2020Algorithm for Biconnected components
5/19/2020On XSLT 4
5/12/2020Graphs in XSLT
3/24/2019Scheduling algorithm for xsl:for-each/@saxon:threads=N
11/3/2018XPath through evolution
10/2/2018Xslt Streamability
9/28/2018Saxon 9.9.0-1 is out
9/27/2018Fail with ancestor-or-self
9/18/2018|| in boolean expression in XPath
9/13/2018Bug with regex in Saxon xslt
6/27/2017Saxon 9.8.0-2 second attempt.
6/14/2017Saxon 9.8 is out
5/16/2017Saxon HE map and array types.
3/26/2017View on tunnel parameters in XSLT
12/21/2016Languages XOM update
2/9/2016Pull visitor pattern
1/4/2016Error during transformation in Saxon 9.7 - Continue
1/2/2016Error during transformation in Saxon 9.7
8/24/2015Support C# 6.0 in languages xom
7/31/2015Internal Evaluation Error in Saxon 9.6
4/9/2015Java 8 Xml Object Model
4/6/2015ECMAScript Xml Object Model
10/6/2014Saxon 9.6 HE -xslt 3.0
10/5/2014Error in SaxonHE9-6-0-1J
10/3/2014Saxon 9.6
7/14/2014Exception during execution in Saxon-HE-9.5.1-6
4/28/2014New features in XPath 3.1
7/3/2013Derived xml schemas
10/29/2012Export data to Excel
8/3/2012Stream xslt transformation through WCF
7/26/2012Streaming xslt transformation with ForwardXPathNavigator
7/22/2012Streaming entity data
3/23/2012Languages XOM update
12/10/2011Saxon 9.4 is out
9/29/2011An XPath enumerator function
9/14/2011Resolution of the Saxon optimizer bug
8/28/2011Yield return update
7/27/2011Saxon optimizer bug
5/26/2011Languages-XOM update
2/5/2011Java's @Yield return annotation update
2/3/2011Xslt 3.0 insights
1/14/2011Java XML Object Model Update
1/11/2011Yield feature in java implemented!
12/20/2010Yield feature in java
11/18/2010A shallow thoughts
11/9/2010xsl:analyze-string (
11/7/2010Saxon 9.3
11/2/2010w3's bugzilla entry 9069
11/1/2010Languages xom update
10/22/2010Parse COBOL into cobolxom, #2
10/18/2010What's evaluated first: @select or xsl:with-param?
10/9/2010Parse COBOL into cobolxom
10/8/2010Getting regex captures in xslt
8/4/2010C# XOM Update
7/15/2010Another xslt Heisenbug
6/22/2010Xslt serializer for ASPX output
5/14/2010Parsing Reports V2, C#
5/9/2010Parsing reports
5/5/2010Languages XOM update
5/2/2010Xslt match puzzle
5/1/2010Generator functions in xslt in Saxon
4/23/2010Complications with streamed tree
4/21/2010Streamed tree
4/15/2010jxom else if (google search)
4/9/2010Generator functions in xslt
4/9/2010Name pool
4/8/2010Composable tree model in saxon
4/4/2010How would we approach to streaming facility in xslt
4/2/2010Xslt Heisenbug
3/27/2010Xml namespaces
3/22/2010Inline functions in xslt 2.1
3/15/2010Maps in exslt2?
2/28/2010AVL Tree in Xslt
2/28/2010VS 2010, Still Beta
2/25/2010t:allocate-names() implementation
2/24/2010Again on immutable binary trees
2/17/2010Integer and fraction in xslt
1/27/2010Associative containers in a functional languages
1/19/2010Unintentional help
1/15/2010Languages Xml Object Model Update
1/6/2010Ongoing xslt/xquery spec update
1/4/2010Another problem in Saxon 9.2
1/1/2010What does it mean?
12/27/2009Addition to XOM Family
12/21/2009An xslt 2 task
12/11/2009Excel Reports
12/5/2009Old lesson about decimal rounding
6/29/2009Funny xpath
6/24/2009Xml Diff And Merge
6/18/2009jxom/C# xom update
6/15/2009jxom/C# xom update
5/28/2009jxom Update
5/8/2009Saxon tries on new dress
4/22/2009Again On Web Application Frameworks
3/8/2009Incremental Parser
1/15/2009A good xslt IDE
1/14/2009is-upper-case() function in xslt 2.0
1/3/2009A beautiful language and a labour force
12/17/2008exlst sketches
12/10/2008People start looking into jxom
11/22/2008Generator function in xslt 2.0
11/18/2008Access attribute in attribute sequence
11/13/2008Dynamic Xslt
11/4/2008Saxon xslt 2 implementation
9/27/2008Web Application Frameworks
9/16/2008jxom update, state machine generator
9/5/2008What you can do with jxom
9/3/2008Xslt 2.0 casuistry
8/30/2008Tuples and maps - next try
8/12/2008Expression parser in the xslt.
7/31/2008SFINAE in xslt? - or native exception handling.
7/28/2008On the job applicants...
7/10/2008Tuples and maps - Status: CLOSED, WONTFIX
7/3/2008Update Saxon extensions to reflect v9.1
6/26/2008Try/catch block in xslt 2.0 for Saxon 9.
6/17/2008A "resource:" protocol to resolve documents in xslt.
6/9/2008jxom update
5/18/2008Tuples and maps in Saxon
5/12/2008On "XProc: An XML Pipeline Language"
5/9/2008Xslt 2.0 document pool api, for Saxon
5/3/2008Another difference between tamplates and functions in the xslt 2.0
4/30/2008Multithreading in the xslt 2.0/xquery 1.0 world.
4/5/2008Tuple and map in the xslt 2.0
4/4/2008What I'm missing in xslt 2.0/xquery 1.0
4/2/2008Bizarre xslt
3/31/2008functions and named templates in xslt 2.0
3/25/2008Xslt 2.0 tips, public and private stylesheet members
3/3/2008xslt/xquery -> java code
2/28/2008jxom - inventing a bicycle?
2/27/2008jxom update
2/20/2008Efficient xslt 2.0 recursion in saxon 9.
2/19/2008Sequence of sequences in xslt 2.0
2/18/2008jxom update
2/18/2008Indirect function call in xslt 2.0
2/16/2008Xslt for the jxom (Java xml object model)
2/9/2008Java xml object model

No Category (37) 
4/10/2024AI joke...
2/3/2020Another help to Saxon project
9/2/2017World according to Yandex
7/15/2017Incorrect behavior in Saxon-HE-9.8.0-3 (maven)
3/13/2014Polite advice
2/24/2014Bug either in C# spec or in Microsoft's implementation
8/1/2011Farewell to CME!
11/23/2010Something else
8/25/2010Visual Studio 2010
2/24/2010Welcome to VS 2010!
12/3/2009Back to Ukraine
11/3/2009A twitter conversation
8/10/2009Borland Went To Micro Focus
8/6/2009C++0x without concepts
7/28/2009Our motto
7/23/2009cool:gen java bean generation
7/10/2009Paris, Paris...
6/18/2009Most ancient program
6/9/2009Too sad
5/26/2009A C++0x FAQ
5/16/2009ServiceLoader API in Java 5
5/9/2009In memory of our grandfathers
1/6/2009Hundred percent agree
5/15/2008The best book I ever read.
4/27/2008On the duty
1/13/2008Our brother blog
11/12/2006Перечитывая Ницше
11/2/2006DasBlog Engine
8/19/2006What unifies C++ and Java
8/14/2006Don't allow to ignorants to come near the xsl
10/28/2004Version Control System Comparison
6/1/2004"A scenario from Hell (and other places reigned by evil ;-))"
5/26/2004Microsoft has published "release version" of WSE 2.0.
5/15/2004Reflection in CLI
5/10/2004Source Code Control SDK
1/3/2004Fashion on blogs...

<December 2024>
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