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# Wednesday, 26 June 2013

On a way to a home we usually listen audio books in our car. In most cases these are science fiction stories. One of our favorite authors is Ray Bradbury. Probably you know his short story collection "The Martian Chronicles". Also, we like to glance over technology and science news to stay tuned in the latest innovations.

Recently, we've read an article that states that NASA is going to send a group of scientists-colonists to Mars in an observable future. It sounds in Ray Bradbury style.

Although, we're not specialists in this field, we discussed what difficulties may face such an expedition.

As far as we understand, there are following issues that must be solved before expedition may start:

  • speed of a spaceship is yet too slow

  • a shield from radiation doesn't exist

  • big cargo section to contain sufficient reserve of water, food and oxygen for the expedition to survive

  • a way to produce enough energy to survive on Mars

Actually, the second issue depends on the first one. At present there is no reliable long term protection from cosmic radiation, which can be installed on a spacecraft. At least we didn't hear about such thing. Thus, long staying in the open space will seriously harm colonists and may bring to naught the whole mission.

Сonsidering these facts, we concluded that a space travel further than the moon is not possible at present.

What could be done to solve these issues?

As a solution of space colonization could be the following. The earthlings won't send people but robots with corresponding equipment and containers for man, animals and plants DNAs or embryos. At the destination place robots will build a colony and will begin to grow people, animals, plants; to train them and to serve them later (at least to man <img alt=" src=""/> ).

How all this may solve the mentioned issues?

  • It's much easier to create reliable shield from radiation for small DNA or embrios containers.

  • time and speed of a spacecraft, in such case, will impact less on the mission.

  • weight of spacecraft in this case could be less, or it may get more payload.

Thus, to bring the era of cosmic expansion, human kind must invest in the development of robotics, artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, development of rapid learning, among other scientific fields in space exploration.

Right now, you may see a beginning? of this trend in sciense here DFKI's robot ape to colonize the Moon?

In the far future, after the beginning will be forgotten, all this may lead to question: who was the first a man or a robot? <img alt=" src=""/>

Wednesday, 26 June 2013 20:23:35 UTC  #    Comments [0] -
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