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# Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Two years ago, when we were still actively using KendoUI we had published our approach on how to introduce custom widgets, which we called User Controls.

We even suggested to introduce UserControl widget into KendoUI core through feedback page. At that time we got a response from KendoUI team:

Our recommended approach for building reusable app building blocks is expressed via the Kendo UI SPA features delivered earlier this year. Here’s a getting started resource if you’ve not already seen it:

It was not clear how the response is related to the suggestion, but we decided not to rebuke the team, and to proceed with our user controls.

Nowdays we use KendoUI no more, and have completely switched to angularjs. Ocasionally, however, we need to support old projects, and peek into docs. Today we've discovered that the team has changed their mind, and allowed custom widgets: "Create Your Own Kendo UI Widget by Inheriting from the Base Widget Class". That's good news!

But the most interesting thing is that the design of their custom widget is very close to what we have suggested then.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015 14:16:25 UTC  #    Comments [0] -
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