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# Wednesday, 26 May 2004

Until May 24, 2004 there were only WSE 2.0 Technology Preview, but from now, the “release version” of WSE 2.0 is accessible. Microsoft eventually has published “release version” of WSE 2.0. The main changes from version 2.0 Technology Preview are:

  • The Policy mapping model has changed. There is now a single file that contains both the send and receive mapping. See the documentation for more information.
  • Security context tokens can now be issued automatically by a service. The element in the configuration file turns this on. SecurityContextTokens issued by 3rd parties are no longer supported out-of-box and require customized coding.
  • Security context tokens can now be issued automatically by a service. The element in the configuration file turns this on.
  • The Microsoft.Web.Services2.Security.Signature class has been obsoleted. Use the Microsoft.Web.Services2.Security.MessageSignature class instead.
  • The Microsoft.Web.Services.Routing namespace has been removed. The HTTP Router is now supported as Microsoft.Web.Services2.Messaging.SoapHttpRouter
  • The interfaces for transports and channels have been reworked.
  • Custom transports may be registered in the app.config / web.config files. Existing transports may be removed and/or reconfigured. See the WSE.config file for examples and additional information.
  • The Microsoft.Web.Services.Security.SecureConversation namespace has been moved into the Microsoft.Web.Services2.Security namespace.
  • The Microsoft.Web.Services.Trust namespace has been moved into the Microsoft.Web.Services2.Security namespace.
  • The incorrectly named Microsoft.Web.Services.Security.SaML class has been renamed to Microsoft.Web.Services2.Security.SAML and contains a more complete set of definitions.

Besides they have changed some namespaces, and, as a consequence the fully qualified name of WSE 2.0 assembly also was changed. These changes are very weird for SCCBridge project. Due to this reason the new build of SCCBridge server and SCCBridge client are published today. From now, both server and client sides of SCCBridge project are using of “release version“ of WSE 2.0.

P.S. The best thing in these changes, from my point of view, is an improved documentation that included in “release version” of WSE 2.0.

Wednesday, 26 May 2004 14:54:25 UTC  #    Comments [2] -

Friday, 11 June 2004 18:00:56 UTC
login: File or assembly name Microsoft.Web.Services2, or one of its dependencies, was not found

I downloaded the SCCBridge server and SCCBridge client, when i try to login the source database, the message poped up. that does it mean? I am newer for WSE. any advice are appreciated.
new wae
Thursday, 17 June 2004 19:14:43 UTC
The WSE 2.0 should be installed on the both sides: server and client. Please check this.
Arthur Nesterovsky
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