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# Saturday, 19 August 2006

Do you think they are different? I think not too much.

Language, for a creative programmer, is a matter to express his virtues, and a hammer that brings a good salary for a skilled labourer.

Each new generation of programmers tries to prove itself. But how?

Well, C++ programmers invent their strings and smart pointers, and Java adepts (as they cannot create strings) design their springs and rubies.

It's probably all right - there is no dominance, but when I'm reading docs of someone's last pearl, I'm experiencing deja vu. On the whole, all looks as a chaotic movement.

Other time I think - how it's interesting to build something when you should not design the brick, even if you know that bricks aren't perfect.

Saturday, 19 August 2006 14:34:42 UTC  #    Comments [0] -

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