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# Friday, 22 October 2010

In the previous post we have announced an API to parse a COBOL source into the cobolxom.

We exploited the incremental parser to build a grammar xml tree and then were planning to create an xslt transformation to generate cobolxom.

Now, we would like to declare that such xslt is ready.

At present all standard COBOL constructs are supported, but more tests are required. Preprocessor support is still in the todo list.

You may peek into an examples of COBOL:

Cobol grammar:

And cobolxom:

While we were building a grammar to cobolxom stylesheet we asked ourselves whether the COBOL parsing could be done entirely in xslt. The answer is yes, so who knows it might be that we shall turn this task into pure xslt one. :-)

Friday, 22 October 2010 13:24:31 UTC  #    Comments [0] -
Announce | Incremental Parser | Thinking aloud | xslt
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