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# Sunday, August 17, 2014

Among latest C++ proposals the most ambiguous is N4021.

The goal of that proposal is "to define a 2D drawing API for the C++ programming language".

The motivation is going like this:

Today, computer graphics are pervasive in modern life, and are even replacing console-style I/O for basic user interaction on many platforms. For example, a simple cout << "Hello, world!" statement doesn’t do anything useful on many tablets and smartphones. We feel that C++ programmers should have a simple, standard way of displaying 2D graphics to users.

Authors compare several public and proprietary APIs to select the one named cairo graphics library as a base.

Reflecting on starting point they write:

Taken as a whole, starting from cairo allows for the creation of a 2D C++ drawing library that is already known to be portable, implementable, and useful without the need to spend years drafting, implementing, and testing a library to make sure that it meets those criteria.
An alternative design would be to create a new API via a synthesis of existing 2D APIs. This has the benefit of being able to avoid any perceived design flaws that existing APIs suffer from. Unfortunately this would not have implementation and usage experience. Further, doing so would not provide any guarantee that design flaws would not creep in.

What follows is a discussion on best way to transform that C library into std style C++ API.


Our thoughts on this proposal are threefold:

  1. This proposal seems a decade or two late.
  2. C++ standard should be modular to support basic and optional features.
  3. We feel that programmers will not be satisfied with bare 2D graphics. It's not enough at nowadays.


Indeed, appeals to create standard C++ API for UI are as old as the C++'s standardization process. It's clear why did the committee not produce such API yet: they are bureaucracy that can approve API only. In fact it's a role of community to invent and implement libraries that may make their way into the standard. Without consensus in community no standard will reflect such API.

On the other hand C++ spec at present is too fat. Probably, not many people are satisfied with the pace of its evolution. Any big chunk of a new API makes the progress even slower. C++ spec should go through a refactoring and be split into core(s) and libraries and to allow individual progress of each part. This will simplify both specification and implementation. After that refactoring an API can be added or deprecated much more easily. In fact implementations were always like this. It's the spec that tries to be monolith.

As for a new 2D graphics API. It looks like an idea from late 90-es. We think that today's programmers (at least several samples :-) ) wished to deal with industry standard UI API, and not to start from basic drawing. Looking around we observe that html 5 is such de-facto standard. Take into an account that it supports rich layout, svg, canvas, user input; in addition it's good for GPU optimization. Even if you want to deal with simple graphics then you can build svg markup or draw on the canvas.

So, what we rather prefer to see in the C++ spec is an html binding API (both for DOM and Javascript).

Just think of standard C++ program that uses html engine as its UI!

Sunday, August 17, 2014 8:56:08 AM UTC  #    Comments [0] -
C++ | Thinking aloud
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