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# Monday, 06 September 2004

Recently we have sent our entry to BizTalk Server 2004 Developer Competition.
Let's see how it will go. ;-)

The entry integrates mainframe's COBOL applications with BizTalk Server 2004. It includes following elements:

  • MQ adapter, which supports both MQSeries server and client, and implements receive, send, solicit-response and request-response communication patterns.
  • Pipeline components that do run-time data transformations and support CICS DPL conversation protocol.
  • Design-time tools to generate annotated XML schemas and C# sources from COBOL copybooks. The assemblies generated from these sources are used by CICS DPL pipeline components at run-time to transform XML to and from CICS DPL raw data messages.

The entry provides pure .NET solution for consuming legacy applications from BizTalk Server 2004 without using of Host Integration Server 2000 at run-time. It includes documentation, executable files and sources of the adapter, pipeline components, and examples that demonstrate their capabilities. Feel free to download it from GotDotNet web site:

Monday, 06 September 2004 09:37:40 UTC  #    Comments [0] -
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