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# Thursday, 06 August 2009

Forthcoming update of C++ standard will not include concepts!

This the major backoff is very unfortunate, in my opinion, for C++'s future. Anyhow, there is a strong reasoning behind the decision. WG experienced the lack of resources, and a threatening amount of open questions and inconsistencies related to concepts.

Besides, there is no proper and up to date C++ compiler implementing the feature, which made impossible to verify ideas. All that might delay the C++0x standard up to 2012 or even 2015.

As result WG's decided to move concepts out of scope of the nearest update.

I hope very much that concepts will follow soon after the standard.

Read more at: What Happened in Frankfurt?

Thursday, 06 August 2009 13:45:45 UTC  #    Comments [0] -

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