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# Saturday, 01 September 2012

Back in 2006 and 2007 we have defined dbo.Numbers function: Numbers table in SQL Server 2005, Parade of numbers. Such construct is very important in a set based programming. E.g. XPath 2 contains a range expression like this: "1 to 10" to return a sequence of numbers. Unfortunately neither SQL Server 2008 R2, nor SQL Server 2012 support such construct, so dbo.Numbers function is still actual.

After all these years the function evolved a little bit to achieve a better performance. Here is its source:

-- Returns numbers table.
-- Table has a following structure: table(value int not null);
-- value is an integer number that contains numbers from 1 to a specified value.
create function dbo.Numbers
  -- Number of rows to return.
  @count int
returns table
  with Number8 as
          (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0),
          (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0),
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          (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0)
      ) N(Value)
  Number32(Value) as
      Number8 N1
      left join
      Number8 N2
        @count > 0x100
      left join
      Number8 N3
      left join
      Number8 N4
        @count > 0x1000000
        @count > 0x10000
  select top(@count) row_number() over(order by @count) Value from Number32;

Saturday, 01 September 2012 20:16:49 UTC  #    Comments [0] -
SQL Server puzzle | Tips and tricks
# Thursday, 30 August 2012

We're working with an online database, which is ever populated with a new data. Database activity is mostly around recent data. Activity against older data declines with increasing the distance from today. The ratio of an amount of a new data, say for a last month, to the whole data, at present stays at ~1%. The size of database is measured in TBs.

While we're developers and not DBA's,  you will see from a later blog posts why we're bothered with the database size. In short we're planning to change some UDF type from smallint to int. This will impact on many tables, and the task now is to estimate that impact.

Our first attempts to measure the difference between table sizes before and after type change showed that a data fragmentation often masks the difference, so we started to look at a way to reduce fragmentation.

Internet is full with recomentations. An advice can be found in BOL at Reorganize and Rebuild Indexes.

So, our best help in this task is the function sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats, which reports statistics about fragmentation.

Analysing what that function has given to us we could see that we had a highly fragmented data. There was no reason to bear with that taking into an account that the most of the data stored in the database is historical, which is rarely accessed and even more rarely updated.

The next simplest instument adviced is:

alter index { index_name | ALL } on <object> reorganize [ PARTITION = partition_number ];

The less trivial but often more efficient instrument is the use of online index rebuild and index reorganize depending on index type and a level of fragmentation.

All in all our estimation is that rebuilding or reorganizing indices frees ~100-200GBs of disk space. While, it's only a small percent of total database size, it gives us several monthes worth of a disk space!

Earlier we overlooked SQL Server API to monitor fragmentation, rebuild, and reorganize indices, and now we're going to create a job that will regulary defragment the database.

Thursday, 30 August 2012 08:59:29 UTC  #    Comments [0] -
SQL Server puzzle | Tips and tricks
# Sunday, 19 August 2012

We have a large table in the form:

create table dbo.Data
  Date date not null,
  Type int not null,
  Value nvarchar(50) null,
  primary key clustered(Date, Type)

create unique nonclustered index IX_Data on dbo.Data(Type, Date);

Among other queries we often need a snapshot of data per each Type for a latest Date available:

  max(Date) Date,
group by

We have found that the above select does not run well on our data set. In fact dbo.Data grows with time, while snapshot we need stays more or less of the same size. The best solution to such query is to precalculate it. One way would be to create an indexed view, but SQL Server does not support max() aggregate in indexed views.

So, we have decided to add additional bit field dbo.Data.Last indicating that a row belongs to a last date snapshot, and to create filtered index to access that snapshot:

create table dbo.Data
  Date date not null,
  Type int not null,
  Value nvarchar(50) null,
  Last bit not null default 0,
  primary key clustered(Date, Type)

create unique nonclustered index IX_Data on dbo.Data(Type, Date);

create unique nonclustered index IX_Data_Last on dbo.Data(Type)
where Last = 1;

One way to support Last indicator is to create a trigger that will adjust Last value:

create trigger dbo.Data_Update on dbo.Data
after insert,delete,update
  if (trigger_nestlevel(@@procid) < 2)
    set nocount on;

    with D as
      select Date, Type from deleted
      select Date, Type from inserted
    U as
        V.Date, V.Type
        inner join
        dbo.Data V
          (V.Last = 1) and
          (V.Type = D.Type)
        max(V.Date) Date,
        inner join
        dbo.Data V
          V.Type = D.Type
      group by
    V as
        rank() over(partition by V.Type order by V.Date desc) Row,
        dbo.Data V
        inner join
          (V.Date = U.Date) and
          (V.Type = U.Type)
    update V set Last = 1 - cast(Row - 1 as bit);

With Last indicator in action, our original query has been transformed to:

select Date, Type from dbo.Data where Last = 1

Execution plan shows that a new filtered index IX_Data_Last is used. Execution speed has increased considerably. As our actual table contains other bit fields, so Last indicator did not increase the table size, as SQL Server packs each 8 bit fields in one byte.

Sunday, 19 August 2012 05:57:55 UTC  #    Comments [0] -
SQL Server puzzle | Thinking aloud | Tips and tricks
# Friday, 03 August 2012

Earlier we have shown how to build streaming xml reader from business data and have reminded about ForwardXPathNavigator which helps to create a streaming xslt transformation. Now we want to show how to stream content produced with xslt out of WCF service.

To achieve streaming in WCF one needs:

1. To configure service to use streaming. Description on how to do this can be found in the internet. See web.config of the sample for the details.

2. Create a service with a method returning Stream:

[ServiceContract(Namespace = "")]
[AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)]
public class Service
  [WebGet(RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
  public Stream GetPeopleHtml(int count, int seed)

2. Return a Stream from xsl transformation.

Unfortunately (we mentioned it already), XslCompiledTransform generates its output into XmlWriter (or into output Stream) rather than exposes result as XmlReader, while WCF gets input stream and passes it to a client.

We could generate xslt output into a file or a memory Stream and then return that content as input Stream, but this will defeat a goal of streaming, as client would have started to get data no earlier that the xslt completed its work. What we need instead is a pipe that form xslt output Stream to an input Stream returned from WCF.

.NET implements pipe streams, so our task is trivial. We have defined a utility method that creates an input Stream from a generator populating an output Stream:

public static Stream GetPipedStream(Action<Stream> generator)
  var output = new AnonymousPipeServerStream();
  var input = new AnonymousPipeClientStream(

    () =>

  return input;

We wrapped xsl transformation as such a generator:

[WebGet(RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
public Stream GetPeopleHtml(int count, int seed)
  var context = WebOperationContext.Current;

  context.OutgoingResponse.ContentType = "text/html";
  context.OutgoingResponse.Headers["Content-Disposition"] =

  var cache = HttpRuntime.Cache;
  var path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/People.xslt");
  var transform = cache[path] as XslCompiledTransform;

  if (transform == null)
    transform = new XslCompiledTransform();
    cache.Insert(path, transform, new CacheDependency(path));

  return Extensions.GetPipedStream(
    output =>
      // We have a streamed business data.
      var people = Data.CreateRandomData(count, seed, 0, count);

      // We want to see it as streamed xml data.
      using(var stream =
        people.ToXmlStream("people", ""))
      using(var reader = XmlReader.Create(stream))
        // XPath forward navigator is used as an input source.
          new ForwardXPathNavigator(reader),
          new XsltArgumentList(),

This way we have build a code that streams data directly from business data to a client in a form of report. A set of utility functions and classes helped us to overcome .NET's limitations and to build simple code that one can easily support.

The sources can be found at

Friday, 03 August 2012 22:32:49 UTC  #    Comments [0] -
.NET | ASP.NET | Thinking aloud | Tips and tricks | xslt
# Thursday, 26 July 2012

In the previous post about streaming we have dropped at the point where we have XmlReader in hands, which continously gets data from IEnumerable<Person> source. Now we shall remind about ForwardXPathNavigator - a class we have built back in 2002, which adds streaming transformations to .NET's xslt processor.

While XslCompiledTransform is desperately obsolete, and no upgrade will possibly follow; still it's among the fastest xslt 1.0 processors. With ForwardXPathNavigator we add ability to transform input data of arbitrary size to this processor.

We find it interesting that xslt 3.0 Working Draft defines streaming processing in a way that closely matches rules for ForwardXPathNavigator:

Streaming achieves two important objectives: it allows large documents to be transformed without requiring correspondingly large amounts of memory; and it allows the processor to start producing output before it has finished receiving its input, thus reducing latency.

The rules for streamability, which are defined in detail in 19.3 Streamability Analysis, impose two main constraints:

  • The only nodes reachable from the node that is currently being processed are its attributes and namespaces, its ancestors and their attributes and namespaces, and its descendants and their attributes and namespaces. The siblings of the node, and the siblings of its ancestors, are not reachable in the tree, and any attempt to use their values is a static error. However, constructs (for example, simple forms of xsl:number, and simple positional patterns) that require knowledge of the number of preceding elements by name are permitted.

  • When processing a given node in the tree, each descendant node can only be visited once. Essentially this allows two styles of processing: either visit each of the children once, and then process that child with the same restrictions applied; or process all the descendants in a single pass, in which case it is not possible while processing a descendant to make any further downward selection.

The only significant difference between ForwardXPathNavigator and xlst 3.0 streaming is in that we reported violations of rules for streamability at runtime, while xslt 3.0 attempts to perform this analysis at compile time.

Here the C# code for the xslt streamed transformation:

var transform = new XslCompiledTransform();


// We have a streamed business data.
var people = Data.CreateRandomData(10000, 0, 0, 10000);

// We want to see it as streamed xml data.
using(var stream =
  people.ToXmlStream("people", ""))
using(var reader = XmlReader.Create(stream))
using(var output = File.Create("people.html"))
  // XPath forward navigator is used as an input source.
    new ForwardXPathNavigator(reader),
    new XsltArgumentList(),

Notice how XmlReader is wrapped into ForwardXPathNavigator.

To complete the picture we need xslt that follows the streaming rules:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""
  exclude-result-prefixes="msxsl d">

  <xsl:output method="html" indent="yes"/>

  <!-- Root template processed in the streaming mode. -->
  <xsl:template match="/d:people">
        <title>List of persons</title>
        <style type="text/css">

            background: #d0d0d0;
        <table border="1">
            <th>First name</th>
            <th>Last name</th>

          <xsl:for-each select="d:person">
              Get element snapshot.
              A snapshot allows arbitrary access to the element's content.
            <xsl:variable name="person">
              <xsl:copy-of select="."/>

            <xsl:variable name="position" select="position()"/>

            <xsl:apply-templates mode="snapshot" select="msxsl:node-set($person)/d:person">
              <xsl:with-param name="position" select="$position"/>

  <xsl:template mode="snapshot" match="d:person">
    <xsl:param name="position"/>

      <xsl:attribute name="class">
          <xsl:when test="$position mod 2 = 1">

        <xsl:value-of select="d:Id"/>
        <xsl:value-of select="d:FirstName"/>
        <xsl:value-of select="d:LastName"/>
        <xsl:value-of select="d:City"/>
        <xsl:value-of select="d:Title"/>
        <xsl:value-of select="d:Age"/>


So, we have started with a streamed entity data, proceeded to the streamed XmlReader and reached to the streamed xslt transformation.

But at the final post about streaming we shall remind a simple way of building WCF service returning html stream from our xslt transformation.

The sources can be found at

Thursday, 26 July 2012 18:49:51 UTC  #    Comments [0] -
.NET | Thinking aloud | Tips and tricks | xslt
# Wednesday, 25 July 2012

If you're using .NET's IDictionary<K, V> you have probably found its access API too boring. Indeed at each access point you have to write a code like this:

MyValueType value;
var hasValue = dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out value);

In many, if not in most, cases the value is of a reference type, and you do not usually store null values, so it would be fine if dictionary returned null when value does not exist for the key.

To deal with this small nuisance we have declared a couple of accessor extension methods:

public static class Extensions
  public static V Get<K, V>(this IDictionary<K, V> dictionary, K key)
    where V: class
    V value;

    if (key == null)
      value = null;
      dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out value);

    return value;

  public static V Get<K, V>(this IDictionary<K, V> dictionary, K? key)
    where V: class
    where K: struct
    V value;

    if (key == null)
      value = null;
      dictionary.TryGetValue(key.GetValueOrDefault(), out value);

    return value;

These methods simplify dictionary access to:

var value = dictionary.Get(key);

Wednesday, 25 July 2012 05:54:33 UTC  #    Comments [0] -
.NET | Tips and tricks
# Sunday, 22 July 2012

For some reason neither .NET's XmlSerializer nor DataContractSerializer allow reading data through an XmlReader. These APIs work other way round writing data into an XmlWriter. To get data through XmlReader one needs to write it to some destination like a file or memory stream, and then to read it using XmlReader. This complicates streaming design considerably.

In fact the very same happens with other .NET APIs.

We think the reason of why .NET designers preferred XmlWriter to XmlReader in those APIs is that XmlReader's implementation is a state machine like, while XmlWriter's implementation looks like a regular procedure. It's much harder to manually write and to support a correct state machine logic than a procedure.

If history would have gone slightly different way, and if yield return, lambda, and Enumerator API appeared before XmlReader, and XmlWriter then, we think, both these classes looked differently. Xml source would have been described with a IEnumerable<XmlEvent> instead of XmlReader, and XmlWriter must be looked like a function receiving IEnumerable<XmlEvent>. Implementing XmlReader would have meant a creating a enumerator. Yield return and Enumerable API would have helped to implement it in a procedural way.

But in our present we have to deal with the fact that DataContractSerializer should write the data into XmlWriter, so let's assume we have a project that uses Entity Framework to access the database, and that you have a data class Person, and data access method GetPeople():

[DataContract(Name = "person", Namespace = "")]
public class Person
  [DataMember] public int Id { get; set; }
  [DataMember] public string FirstName { get; set; }
  [DataMember] public string LastName { get; set; }
  [DataMember] public string City { get; set; }
  [DataMember] public string Title { get; set; }
  [DataMember] public DateTime BirthDate { get; set; }
  [DataMember] public int Age { get; set; }

public static IEnumerable<Person> GetPeople() { ... }

And your goal is to expose result of GetPeople() as XmlReader. We achieve result with three simple steps:

  1. Define JoinedStream - an input Stream implementation that reads data from a enumeration of streams (IEnumerable<Stream>).
  2. Build xml parts in the form of IEnumerable<Stream>.
  3. Combine parts into final xml stream.

The code is rather simple, so here we qoute its essential part:

public static class Extensions
  public static Stream JoinStreams(this IEnumerable<Stream> streams, bool closeStreams = true)
    return new JoinedStream(streams, closeStreams);

  public static Stream ToXmlStream<T>(
    this IEnumerable<T> items,
    string rootName = null,
    string rootNamespace = null)
    return items.ToXmlStreamParts<T>(rootName, rootNamespace).

  private static IEnumerable<Stream> ToXmlStreamParts<T>(
    this IEnumerable<T> items,
    string rootName = null,
    string rootNamespace = null)
    if (rootName == null)
      rootName = "ArrayOfItems";

    if (rootNamespace == null)
      rootNamespace = "";

    var serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(T));
    var stream = new MemoryStream();
    var writer = XmlDictionaryWriter.CreateTextWriter(stream);

    writer.WriteStartElement(rootName, rootNamespace);
    writer.WriteXmlnsAttribute("s", XmlSchema.Namespace);
    writer.WriteXmlnsAttribute("i", XmlSchema.InstanceNamespace);

    foreach(var item in items)
      serializer.WriteObject(writer, item);
      writer.WriteString(" ");

      stream.Position = 0;

      yield return stream;

      stream.Position = 0;


    stream.Position = 0;

    yield return stream;

  private class JoinedStream: Stream
    public JoinedStream(IEnumerable<Stream> streams, bool closeStreams = true)

The use is even more simple:

// We have a streamed business data.
var people = GetPeople();

// We want to see it as streamed xml data.
using(var stream = people.ToXmlStream("persons", ""))
using(var reader = XmlReader.Create(stream))

We have packed the sample into the project

In the next post we're going to remind about streaming processing in xslt.

Sunday, 22 July 2012 20:38:29 UTC  #    Comments [2] -
.NET | Thinking aloud | Tips and tricks | xslt
# Sunday, 24 June 2012

For some reason KendoUI DataSource does not allow to access current ajax request. Indeed, it seems quite natural to have a way to cancel running request.

To achieve a desired effect we have made a small set of changes in the RemoteTransport class:

var RemoteTransport_setup = kendo.RemoteTransport.fn.setup;

kendo.RemoteTransport.fn.setup = function()
  var that = this,
      options = RemoteTransport_setup.apply(that, arguments),
      beforeSend = options.beforeSend;

  options.beforeSend = functions(request, options)

    that._request = request;

    if (beforeSend && (beforeSend.apply(this, arguments) === false))
      that._request = null;

      return false;

    request.always(function() { that._request = null; });

  return options;

kendo.RemoteTransport.fn.request = function()
  return this._request;

kendo.RemoteTransport.fn.abort = function()
  var request = this._request;

  if (request)
    this._request = null;

These changes allow to get an ajax request instance: grid.dataSource.request(), or to cancel a request grid.dataSource.abort().

Sunday, 24 June 2012 19:59:30 UTC  #    Comments [0] -
javascript | Tips and tricks
# Sunday, 17 June 2012

We're pleased to work with Kendo UI. Its design is good, however we find here and there things we would wish be done better. Here is a list of problems in a no particular order we would like to be addressed in the next release:

  • RTL is not supported (including correct scroll bar position see Tunning KendoUI).
  • Templates and binding should support a context information along with the data source. (Why do they use with statement?)
  • attr binding should use jquery.attr() method; there should be prop binding which is analogous to attr binding.
  • There should be custom binding that allows any json object to bind to different aspects of a widget or an element.
  • One should be able to use format/parse functions during binding. (Allow binding to express as a triple json object?)
  • parseExact(value, format, culture) method should be rewritten, as it has nothing in common with parsing data string according to exact format.
  • Type inference during binding is poor (parseOption() method). It works neither for string "1,2", nor json " { x: 0 } ", nor for date.
  • Binding is not implemented for many components: splitter, grid.
  • Splitter's pane should support size="auto".
  • Drid does not support totals in group headers, nor it supports header selection.
  • DataSource does not works after remote error, neither it allows to cancel request.
  • innerHtml is used all over the code, thus one cannot rely on
  • Grid does not support customization (localization) of a column filter.
  • Grid should support data binding of its content.
  • One should be able to destroy any widget.
Sunday, 17 June 2012 20:03:37 UTC  #    Comments [1] -
javascript | Thinking aloud
# Monday, 11 June 2012

Trying to make KendoUI to work with Hebrew or more generally in RTL environment we had to find a way to guess the position of scroll bar when direction is rtl.

The problem exists due to the fact that some browsers (Chrome one of them) always put scroll bars to the right. That's utterly wrong. Consider a label and a listbox:

Chrome IE
List in chrome List in chrome

You can see that the scroll bar appears between the label (on the right) and the data in the list box (on the left) in Chrome, and on the left side of the list box in the IE.

We came up with the following test that calculates a scroll bar position in rtl mode:

<script type="text/javascript">
var _scrollbar;

function scrollbar()
  if (!_scrollbar)
    var div = document.createElement("div"); = "overflow:scroll;zoom:1;clear:both;direction:rtl";
    div.innerHTML = "<div>&nbsp;</div>";

    _scrollbar =
      size: div.offsetWidth - div.scrollWidth,
      rtlPosition: div.offsetLeft < div.firstChild.offsetLeft ? "left" : "right"


  return _scrollbar;

In conjuction with an approach described in How to create a <style> tag with Javascript we were able to define rtl css classes for kendo controls and in particular for the grid, combobox, dropdownlist, and datepicker.

Monday, 11 June 2012 21:09:44 UTC  #    Comments [0] -
javascript | Tips and tricks
# Tuesday, 08 May 2012

Some time ago we were taking a part in a project where 95% of all sources are xslt 2.0. It was a great experience for us.

The interesting part is that we used xslt in areas we would never expect it in early 2000s. It crunched gigabytes of data in offline, while earlier we generally sought xslt application in a browser or on a server as an engine to render the data.

Web applications (both .NET and java) are in our focus today, and it became hard to find application for xslt or xquery.

Indeed, client side now have a very strong APIs: jquery, jqueryui, jsview, jqgrid, kendoui, and so on. These libraries, and today's browsers cover developer's needs in building managable applications. In contrast, a native support of xslt (at least v2) does not exist in browsers.

Server side at present is seen as a set of web services. These services support both xml and json formats, and implement a business logic only. It would be a torture to try to write such a frontend in xslt/xquery. A server logic itself is often dealing with a diversity of data sources like databases, files (including xml files) and other.

As for a database (we primarily work with SQL Server 2008 R2), we think that all communication should go through stored procedures, which implement all data logic. Clearly, this place is not for xslt. However, those who know sql beyond its basics can confirm that sql is very similar to xquery. More than that SQL Server (and other databases) integrate xquery to work with xml data, and we do use it extensively.

Server logic itself uses API like LINQ to manipulate with different data sources. In fact, we think that one can build a compiler from xquery 3.0 to C# with LINQ. Other way round compiler would be a whole different story.

The net result is that we see little place for xslt and xquery. Well, after all it's only a personal perspective on the subject. The similar type of thing has happened to us with C++. As with xslt/xquery we love C++ very much, and we fond of C++11, but at present we have no place in our current projects for C++. That's pitty.

P.S. Among other things that play against xslt/xquery is that there is a shortage of people who know these languages, thus who can support such projects.

Tuesday, 08 May 2012 20:28:51 UTC  #    Comments [0] -
Thinking aloud | xslt
# Sunday, 08 April 2012

Several days ago we've arrived to the blog "Recursive lambda expressions". There, author asks how to write a lambda expression that calculates a factorial (only expression statements are allowed).

The problem by itself is rather artificial, but at times you feel an intellectual pleasure solving such tasks by yourself. So, putting original blog post aside we devised our answers. The shortest one goes like this:

  1. As C# lambda expression cannot refer to itself, so it have to receive itself as a parameter, so:
    factorial(factorial, n) = n <= 1 ? 1 : n * factorial(factorial, n - 1);
  2. To define such lambda expression we have to declare a delegate type that receives a delegate of the same type:
    delegate int Impl(Impl impl, int n);
    Fortunately, C# allows this, but a workaround could be used even if it were not possible.

  3. To simplify the reasoning we've defined a two-expression version:
    Impl impl = (f, n) => n <= 1 ? 1 : n * f(f, n - 1);
    Func<int, int> factorial = i => impl(impl, i);
  4. Finally, we've written out a one-expression version:
    Func<int, int> factorial = i => ((Func<Impl, int>)(f => f(f, i)))((f, n) => n <= 1 ? 1 : n * f(f, n - 1));
  5. The use is:
    var f = factorial(10);

After that excercise we've returned back to original blog and compared solutions. We can see that author appeals to a set theory but for some reason his answer is more complex than nesessary, but comments contain variants that analogous to our answer.

Sunday, 08 April 2012 09:18:29 UTC  #    Comments [0] -
.NET | Tips and tricks
# Saturday, 24 March 2012

Let's start from a distance.

We support a busy database for a customer. Customer's requirement (in fact, state's requirement)  is that the database should have audit logs. This means that all important requests should be logged. These logs help both for the offline security analysis, and for the database health monitoring.

Before the end of the last year we used SQL Server 2005, and then customer has upgraded to SQL Server 2008 R2.

As by design the database is accessed through Stored Procedures only, so the logging was done using a small SP that traced input parameters and execution time. The call to that SP was inserted throughout the code of other SPs.

We expected SQL Server 2008 R2 to simplify the task, and to allow us to switch the audit on and off on a fine grained level without the need to change a SP in the production (see Understanding SQL Server Audit for details).

Unfortunatelly, we have almost immediately found that the current audit implementation traces SP calls but does not store parameter values. This way, you can see that there was a call "execute X @param1, @param2", but you have no idea what values were passed. Internet search shows that this a known problem (see SQL Server 2008 Database Audit on INSERT UPDATE and DELETE actual SQL and not parameter values), which renders SQL Server Audit useless.

But nevertheless, looking at how can we simplify our hand-made audit we have found a brilliant solution: "Light weight SQL Server procedure auditing without using SQL Server auditing". It's so simple, that it's a shame that we did not invent it ourselves! The approach is to insert or remove tracing code automatically. Indeed, there is nothing but data in the database, even the text of SP is only a data.

To automate it even more, we have defined a small table with names of procedures and their log levels, and have defined a procedure "Log.SetLevel @level" to configure all logging in one go. In addition we have simplified logging procedures and tables, and started to store parameters in xml columns rather than in a pipe-concatenated strings.

Now, to the negative SP execution times.

The logging code among other things measures current_timestamp at the begin and at the end of the execution of SP. This helps us (as developers) to monitor how database performs on a day to day basis, and to build many useful statistics.

For example we can see that the duration of about 10% of untrivial selects is 0ms (execution time is under 1ms). This means that SQL Server is good at data caching. But what is most interesting is that about 0.1% of requests have negative duration!

You could speculate on parallel or on out of order execution, but the paradox is resolved when you look closely on a value of duration. It's always around of -7,200,000ms. No one will assume that execution has ended two hours before it has started. So, what does it mean -2 hours? Well, we live in (UTC+02:00) Jerusalem time zone. We think that UTC offset crawls somehow into the result. To prove our hypothesis we would like to change time zone on sql servers, but customer won't agree on such an experiment. :-)

This effect probably means that there is some hidden bug in SQL Server 2008 R2 that we cannot reliably reproduce, but we can see that the datediff(ms, start_timestamp, end_timestamp) may return negative value when it's known that start_timestamp is acquired before end_timestamp.

Update: What a shame. During tunning of the original logging procedures we have changed type from datetime to datetime2, and calls from GETUTCDATE() to current_timestamp, except one place (default value in the table definition) where it remained with GETUTCDATE().

So, negative durations meant operation timeout (in our case duration is greater than 30 secs).

Saturday, 24 March 2012 14:44:04 UTC  #    Comments [0] -
SQL Server puzzle | Thinking aloud
# Friday, 23 March 2012

This time we update csharpxom to adjust it to C# 4.5. Additions are async modifier and await operator.

They are used to simplify asynchronous programming.

The following example from the msdn:

private async Task<byte[]> GetURLContentsAsync(string url)
  var content = new MemoryStream();
  var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);

  using(var response = await request.GetResponseAsync())
  using(var responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
    await responseStream.CopyToAsync(content);

  return content.ToArray();

looks like this in csharpxom:

<method name="GetURLContentsAsync" access="private" async="true">
    <type name="Task" namespace="System.Threading.Tasks">
        <type name="byte" rank="1"/>
    <parameter name="url">
      <type name="string"/>
    <var name="content">
          <type name="MemoryStream" namespace="System.IO"/>
    <var name="request">
            <static-method-ref name="Create">
              <type name="WebRequest" namespace="System.Net"/>
              <var-ref name="url"/>
          <type name="HttpWebRequest" namespace="System.Net"/>

        <var name="response">
                <method-ref name="GetResponseAsync">
                  <var-ref name="request"/>
          <var name="responseStream">
                <method-ref name="GetResponseStream">
                  <var-ref name="response"/>
              <method-ref name="CopyToAsync">
                <var-ref name="responseStream"/>
                <var-ref name="content"/>

        <method-ref name="ToArray">
          <var-ref name="content"/>

Friday, 23 March 2012 00:07:35 UTC  #    Comments [0] -
.NET | Announce | xslt
# Friday, 16 March 2012

After C++11 revision has been approved a new cycle of C++ design has begun:

N3370: The C++ standards committee is soliciting proposals for additional library components. Such proposals can range from small (addition of a single signature to an existing library) to large (something bigger than any current standard library component).

At this stage it's interesting to read papers, as authors try to express ideas rather than to formulate sentences that should go into spec as it lately was.

These are just several papers that we've found interesting:

N3322 12-0012 A Preliminary Proposal for a Static if Walter E. Brown
N3329 12-0019 Proposal: static if declaration H. Sutter, W. Bright, A. Alexandrescu

Those proposals argue about compile time "if statement". The feature can replace #if preprocessor directive, a SFINAE or in some cases template specializations.

A static if declaration can appear wherever a declaration or a statement is legal. Authors also propose to add static if clause to a class and a function declarations to conditionally exclude them from the scope.


// Compile time factorial.
template <unsigned n>
struct factorial
  static if (n <= 1)
    enum : unsigned { value = 1 };
    enum : unsigned { value = factorial<n - 1>::value * n };

// Declare class provided a condition is true.
class Internals if (sizeof(void*) == sizeof(int));

Paper presents strong rationale why this addition helps to build better programs, however the questions arise about relations between static if and concepts, static if clause and an error diagnostics.


N3327 12-0017 A Standard Programmatic Interface for Asynchronous Operations N. Gustafsson, A. Laksberg
N3328 12-0018 Resumable Functions Niklas Gustafsson

That's our favorite.

Authors propose an API and a language extensions to make asynchronous programs simpler.

In fact, asynchronous function will look very mush as a regular one but with small additions. It's similar to yield return in C# (a construct that has been available in C# for many years and is well vetted), and to async expression in C# 4.5. Compiler will rewrite such a function into a state machine, thus function can suspend its execution, wait for the data and to resume when data is available.


// read data asynchronously from an input and write it into an output.
int cnt = 0;

  cnt = await, buf);

  if (cnt == 0)

  cnt = await streamW.write(cnt, buf);
while(cnt > 0);

It's iteresting to see how authors will address yield return: either with aditional keyword, or in terms of resumable functions.


N3340 12-0030 Rich Pointers D. M. Berris, M. Austern, L. Crowl

Here authors try to justify rich type-info but mask it under the name "rich pointers". To make things even more obscure they argue about dynamic code generation.

If you want a rich type-info then you should talk about it and not about thousand of other things.

We would better appealed to create a standard API to access post-compile object model, which could be used to produce different type-infos or other source derivatives.

This paper is our outsider. :-)


N3341 12-0031 Transactional Language Constructs for C++ M. Wong, H. Boehm, J. Gottschlich, T. Shpeisman, et al.

Here people try to generalize (put you away from) locking, and replace it with other word "transaction".

Seems it's not viable proposition. It's better to teach on functional style of programming with its immutable objects.


N3347 12-0037 Modules in C++ (Revision 6) Daveed Vandevoorde

Author argues against C style source composition with #include directive, and propose alternative called "modules".

We think that many C++ developers would agree that C pre-processor is a legacy that would never have existed, but for the same reason (for the legacy, and compatibility) it should stay.

In out opinion the current proposition is just immature, at least it's not intuitive. Or in other words there should be something to replace the C pre-processor (and #include as its part), but we don't like this paper from aestetic perspective.


N3365 12-0055 Filesystem Library Proposal (Revision 2)

This proposal says no a word about asynchronous nature of file access, while it should be designed around it.

Friday, 16 March 2012 19:21:58 UTC  #    Comments [0] -
C++ | Thinking aloud
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