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# Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Yesterday, I've installed IE8.

Looks better here and there.

Today, I'm shocked!

I've reopened my web mail and it remembered the session. It keeps session cookies after closing IE8 instance!

I did not believe to myself and logged into an another web application, and then opened another IE8 instance. What do you think? - It shares the session between instances!

That is a serious security problem.

It prevents me from opening two sessions of a web application on my computer.

P.S. we have found that this problem was already discussed. See IE8 handles sessions/cookies different than IE7 - big trouble for - ...

Someone needs a brain surgery...

Quick solution: run IE8 with -nomerge command line option.

Tuesday, 31 March 2009 11:45:52 UTC  #    Comments [2] -
Tips and tricks
Monday, 20 April 2009 09:03:04 UTC
MS is just wack with this idea.

Yea.. Let me ask 1000s external users to add -nomerge ...
Monday, 20 April 2009 09:35:02 UTC
I agree there is no cure in general.

Usually it's easy to do it for the intranet: notify everyone about the change, or just put a shared link.

On my computer every IE8 link is with -nomerge option.
Vladimir Nesterovsky
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