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# Wednesday, 16 December 2015

A collegue has approached to us with a question on how Akinator engine may work.

To our shame we have never heard about this amazing game before. To fill the gap we have immediately started to play it, and have identified it as a Troubleshooting solver.

It took us a couple of minutes to come up with a brilliant solution: "We just need to google and find the engine in the internet". :-)

Unfortunately, this led to nowhere, as no Akinator itself is open sourced, and no other good quality open source solutions are available.

After another hour we have got two more ideas:

  1. The task should fit into SQL;
  2. The task is a good candidate for a neural network.

In fact, the first might be required to teach the second, so we have decided to formalize the problem in terms of SQL, while still keeping in mind a neural network.

With this goal we have created a GitHub project. Please see the algorithm and its implementation at

Wednesday, 16 December 2015 12:33:41 UTC  #    Comments [0] -
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