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# Saturday, 03 April 2004

Some time ago we have started to study BizTalk Server 2004. It's rather amazing and useful thing for join of business processes especially when rules by which they are joined are changed sometime. But the feature that do the BizTalk Server something peculiar is supporting of long running processes.

We have studied documentation and examples from SDK, have investigated several problems that were discussed in newsgroups,  and visited a conference concerning use of BizTalk Server 2004 sponsored by Microsoft. But we miss a real-life BizTalk project. This situation eventually can be changed.

Today we have found official announce of BizTalk Server 2004 Developer Competition. The rules of this competition you can find here. The cash prizes for winners are worthy tribute.

So, good luck for all pretendents!

Saturday, 03 April 2004 15:32:58 UTC  #    Comments [0] -
BizTalk Server
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