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# Monday, 20 July 2009

Generics in C# look inferior to templates (especially to concepts) in C++, however now and then you can build a wonderful pieces the way a C++ profi would envy.

Consider a generic converter method: T Convert<T>(object value).

In C++ I would create several template specializations for all supported conversions. Well, to make things harder, think of converter provider supporting conversion:

public interface IConverterProvider
  Converter<object, T> Get<T>();

That begins to be a puzzle in C++, but C# handles it easily!

My first C#'s implementation was too naive, and spent too many cycles in provider, resolving which converter to use. So, I went on, and have created a sofisticated implementation like this:

  private IConverterProvider provider = ...

  public T Convert<T>(object value)
    var converter = provider.Get<T>();

    return converter(value);


public class ConverterProvider: IConverterProvider
  public Converter<object, T> Get<T>()
    return Impl<T>.converter;

  private static class Impl<T>
    static Impl()
      // Heavy implementation initializing converters.
      converter = ...

    public static readonly Converter<object, T> converter;

Go, and do something close in C++!

Monday, 20 July 2009 07:18:51 UTC  #    Comments [0] -
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