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# Monday, 08 September 2008

Java has no value types: objects allocated inplace, in contrast to objects referred by a pointer in the heap. This, in my opinion, has a negative impact on a program design and on a performance.

Incidentally, I've thought of a use case, which can be understood as a value type by the jvm implementations. Consider an example:

class A
  private final B b = new B();

Implementation may layout class A, in a way that field b will be a content of an instance of class B itself rather than a pointer to an instance of a class B. This way we save a pointer and a heap allocation of instance B. Another example:

class C
  C(int size)
    values = new D[size];

    for(int i = 0; i < values.length; i++)
      values[i] = new D();

  private final D[] values;

Here field values is never a null and each item of array contains a non null value. Assuming these conditions are kept for a whole life cycle, and values are not passed by reference, we can consider values as an array of value types.

A use case conditions are following:

  • a field contains a non null value;
  • the field value is an instance of the field type and not descendant type;
  • if the field is an array, then all elements of the array are initialized with instances of element type, and not descendant type.
  • the field or an element of the array can be assigned through the operator new only (field = new T(), array[i] = new T());
  • the array field is not passed by reference (Arrays.sort(array) never happens).

JIT's allowed to interpret a field as a value type provided it proves these conditions.


There is another use case to detect value types:

  • a method variable contains no null value, and
  • that variable is never stored in any field, and
  • no synchronization is used on the instance of value in variable, and
  • a value to the variable is assigned through the operator new only.

A variable can be layed out directly onto the stack, provided a preceding conditions are satisfied.

P.S. In spite that .NET has built in value types, it may use the very same technique to optimize reference types.

Monday, 08 September 2008 08:01:51 UTC  #    Comments [0] -
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