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# Sunday, 20 February 2005

Eventually the SCCBridge project became really open source project. From now its sources (version are accessible from GotDotNet site. Releases, documentation and some interesting things about the project you still can find here. Welcome to all developers who want to participate in advancing of this project.

Sunday, 20 February 2005 21:43:08 UTC  #    Comments [8] -
Monday, 07 March 2005 10:33:00 UTC
The SCCBridge Directory in GotDotNet site don't work.

Monday, 07 March 2005 11:31:22 UTC
Try again. After several attempts I've succeed to open the workspace. Sometime it requires to make efforts in order to login.
Arthur Nesterovsky
Tuesday, 08 March 2005 08:02:28 UTC
Hi Arthur, I can't access. I Tried it harder!!

I tried too from google cache but it's impossible

Thursday, 31 March 2005 03:29:01 UTC

Very cool! I set it up and it works great!
Great interface! One request, how do I tune the configuration/settings so that directory listings are faster?

[3/30/2005 10:18:33 PM] login: Done (1 sec.)
[3/30/2005 10:18:34 PM] list of "/": Done (1 sec.)
[3/30/2005 10:18:39 PM] list of "/": Done (1 sec.)
[3/30/2005 10:19:19 PM] login: Done (0 sec.)
[3/30/2005 10:19:20 PM] list of "/": Done (3 sec.)
[3/30/2005 10:19:38 PM] list of "/----": Done (3 sec.)
[3/30/2005 10:19:44 PM] list of "/----/Interfaces": Done (1 sec.)
[3/30/2005 10:19:49 PM] list of "/----/Interfaces/XSLT": Done (23 sec.)
[3/30/2005 10:20:38 PM] list of "/----/MDL": Done (198 sec.)

Kurt Van Delden
Friday, 06 May 2005 16:23:13 UTC
I'm was looking for a component that will allow me to access Visual Source Safe info via a Web Page using ASP (Classic). Will SCCBridge let me do this?

Ideally, this entire project will be migrated to ASP .NET, but the migration can't start for a few months. In the mean time, the 1st thing we needed to get a handle on was implementing a level of change management. With that said, we enhanced the existing bug tracking part of the web site and implemented VSS. We would like to integrate the 2 pieces together via ASP.

If I can use SCCBridge, can you point me in some direction to get started?


Dan Cioffi
Friday, 06 May 2005 19:31:36 UTC
the only thing you can use in your ASP project is my COM+ component that implements access to VSS database via SourceSafe COM API.

The whole project is truly ASP.NET web-service, so, it's impossible to use its sources whithin ASP web application.

The sources of COM+ component you'll find on GotDotNet. The project name is SCCBridge like a whole solution.
Arthur Nesterovsky
Wednesday, 23 November 2005 07:04:56 UTC
Hi every one,
I am using this scc bridge application, but now a days i am getting this kind of error.

[11/23/2005 3:06:15 PM] get: In the record uuid:54b6a019-1a4d-45c0-923f-734d16938fcf, the number of bytes in the Data field is less than 46135, which is the value indicated in the ContentLength field.

what could be the problem, any configurable item i have to change? pls give your valueable solutions/suggestions/guess ?

my advance thanks to every one...

Thursday, 24 November 2005 08:21:08 UTC
Can you tell me, what versions of SCCBridge server and clienat are you using? And, what versions/SP/build of WSE 2.0 are you using on both the server and client?
Arthur Nesterovsky
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